支持加拿大普世大使命中心的同工, 牧長和弟兄姊妹:
您們好. 新年蒙福, 主賜平安!
自從2020年初, 全球性新型冠狀肺炎病毒的感染待遍世界各地, 我們的日常生活, 工作和學習上都需要調整, 教會及宣教機構的運作也不例外. 過去的一年, 疫情逐漸减輕, 政府對旅客開放, 加拿大普世大使命中心的事工隨著展開.
2021-2022 本中心與東歐羅姆人基督教會合作的夏季青少年培訓事工, 都是通過網絡進行. 去年五月底, 本中心再次透過網路開始六次培訓, 去講解和裝備來自塞爾維亞兩間教會約20位年青領袖. 讓他們用自己語言去帶領七月底八月初的夏令營. 去年七月中旬, 加拿大普世大使命中心短宣隊出發去北馬其頓,舉辦為期4天的青少年日營, 約有30位青年人參加. 接著去探訪塞爾維亞曾經受過培訓的青年領袖. 詳細的敍述, 請參閲附上的加拿大普世大使命中心通訊2024年1月版.
2024年, 羅姆聯網 (Roma Networks) 將在2024年 4月9日至12日假阿爾巴尼亞, 都拉斯市(Durres, Albania)舉行第四屆國際羅姆事工聯絡研討會 (The 4th International Roma Networks Conference). 本中心與加拿大華福中心聯合派出代表團參加.
加拿大普世大使命中心今年的預算是加幣六萬元, 其中宣教事工佔五萬四千元. 在經濟上, 懇請教會的牧長和兄姐奉獻支持; 在事工上, 請各肢體彼此代禱, 見證主名.
最後, 歡迎何志滌牧師加入加拿大普世大使命中心董事會. 求主賜力量讓我們齊心廣傳福音, 和培訓教導去完成主所託付的大使命.
陳國瑄 敬啟 董事會主席
Boundless Love of the Lord: Outreach to the Roma Community
The Roma people, once commonly called ‘Gypsies,’ trace their origins to northern India. They are a nomadic group scattered across the globe. Over ten million Roma are estimated to reside in Europe, predominantly in Eastern European nations such as Romania, Hungary, Bulgaria, Serbia, and North Macedonia. Due to cultural disparities, they have faced discrimination and persecution, leading to their marginalization. As a result, they often lack fundamental human rights, equal job opportunities, and access to health and education, which places them at society’s periphery.
In 2014, Rev. Thomas Wang received a vision to bring the gospel to the Roma community. He rallied churches and fellow Christians to this cross-cultural ministry, trusting that the gospel could transform not only individual lives within the Roma community but also the destiny of their entire ethnicity. In collaboration with our brothers and sisters from the North Toronto Chinese Baptist Church and the Richmond Hill Christian Community Church, we took advantage of the lull in the pandemic to visit North Macedonia and Serbia this year. Our mission was to support local Roma churches, provide youth leadership training, co-host summer gospel youth camps, visit local missionaries and pastors and preach in churches.
By God’s grace, late last year, we acquired permission from the publisher to translate “The Gospel-Centered Life for Teens” into Serbian at a very affordable rate. Following the book’s themes, we held six training sessions over Zoom between May and July, preparing about twenty young leaders from two Serbian churches for the summer camps in July and August.
In mid-July, our mission team arrived at Shutka, North Macedonia, one of Europe’s most substantial Roma hubs. Collaborating with Australian missionaries and local churches, we organized a four-day youth camp attended by nearly thirty youngsters. The camp, themed around the Exodus story, combined Bible skits, group studies, sermons, and a talent show to animate God’s word. The team also introduced Asian culture and personal faith through discussions, games, and traditional Asian snacks, enhancing the attendees’ Christian faith comprehension and the delight of cross-cultural bonding.
We journeyed four hours north to Serbia after our missions in North Macedonia. There, we reunited with the young leaders we had previously trained online. While virtual interactions kept us connected, the genuine warmth of face-to-face greetings is irreplaceable. The delightful comfort of even a hug is most felt in person. We witnessed firsthand how they applied their training in directing camp activities.
Additionally, our team met with local pastors in various cities, understanding their challenges during the three-year pandemic. As the pandemic’s intensity wanes, new trials loom. Yet, echoing Apostle Paul’s words, “We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair;” (2 Corinthians 4:8). Listening to their ministry visions was profoundly moving, and we could not help but admire their steadfast faithfulness to Christ. Their dedication fuels our passion to serve the Lord.
Throughout our missions, we saw God raising a new generation of Roma youth fervent for the Lord. Before the pandemic, our team had organized summer camps across several locales, holding spiritual activities for them. Now, we see those young individuals having grown into youth leaders in the church, using the knowledge they have acquired to pass on the gospel message.
God also unveiled the Roma’s pressing need for the gospel. As Islam’s influence grows in these regions, the spiritual battle intensifies. Yet, we witnessed God’s work beyond our imagination. During our short stay in North Macedonia, we encountered missionaries from Indonesia, Australia, South Korea, El Salvador, South Africa, and Peru. Many have been serving for years, a testament to God’s commitment to bless the Roma generation. Who can close the door to the gospel if the Lord has opened it? Those who sow in tears shall reap with shouts of joy!
Dear brothers and sisters, we urge you to pray for this mission. Let God’s light radiate upon the Roma people. May He empower them to spread the gospel far and wide so His name will receive the utmost glory!
Simon Leung of RHCCC
2023 October
「主愛無界限 – 羅姆人宣教事工」
「羅姆人」(ROMA),一般稱為「吉卜賽人」, 是一個起源於印度北部,散居世界的流浪民族。據估計,現時歐洲的羅姆人口超過一千萬,其中大部分聚居在東歐國家如羅馬尼亞,匈牙利,保加利亞,塞爾維亞和北馬其頓。由於文化上的差異,他們長期受到其他民族的歧視和逼迫,被邊緣化且失去了基本的人權、平等的工作機會、以及充足的健康和教育資源,因此他們只能在社會底層掙扎求存。
2014 年王永信牧師從神領受清晰的異象,要向羅姆人這群體還福音的債。他號召不同教會和基督徒,共同參於這跨文化的事工。 神要藉福音改變他們的生命,帶給他們真正的盼望,更新整個民族的命運。城北華人基督教會聯同多倫多北區華人浸信會的弟兄姊妹,趁疫情稍緩,便再次踏足北馬其頓和塞爾維亞,支援當地羅姆人教會,提供青年領袖訓練,協辦暑期福音青年日營,並探望當地的宣教士及傳道人。
早在去年底, 靠着神的恩典,我們以極優惠的價格獲得允許翻譯「福音為本的生命」成為塞爾維亞語,用於夏令營。 按書本的課題,每週通過Zoom去講解和裝備來自塞爾維亞兩間教會約二十位青年領袖,好讓他們在七、八月的暑期營中去造就參加者。
神讓我們看見羅姆人的呼聲是何等迫切!特別是伊斯蘭教在這些社區中的影響日益擴大,這無疑是一場激烈的屬靈爭戰! 但我們卻也親睹祂的工作是超乎想像之外!我們在北馬其頓的短暫停留期間,認識了來自印尼、澳洲、韓國、薩爾瓦多、南非和秘魯的宣教士。有些人在那裡已服侍了一段時間,這足以證明,神定意要祝福這一代的羅姆人。 祂既已開啓了福音的門,誰人能關呢?今日流淚播種,將來必歡呼收割。
城北華基會友 梁灼輝
2023 10月
本會將於2022年10月1日與加拿大華福和其他宣教機構聯合舉辦「羅姆禱告團契」(Roma Prayer Fellowship) 聚會 . 詳情請參閱海報. 敬請預留時間, 並到網上 免費登記 .
本會將於今年5月28日與加拿大華福和其他宣教機構聯合舉辦「羅姆禱告團契」(Roma Prayer Fellowship) 聚會 . 詳情請參閱海報. 敬請預留時間, 並到網上 免費登記 .
本會將於今年3月19日與加拿大華福和其他宣教機構聯合舉辦「烏克蘭危機禱告會」(Crisis in Ukraine Prayer Meeting) . 詳情請參閱海報. 敬請預留時間, 並到網上 免費登記 .
本會將於今年1月29日與加拿大華福和其他宣教機構聯合舉辦「羅姆禱告團契」(Roma Prayer Fellowship) 聚會 . 詳情請參閱海報. 敬請預留時間, 並到網上 免費登記 .
GGCCC 2021 November Newsletter
Through ministry collaboration with other missions organizations, Global Roma Symposium webinar was held on March 27, 2021. The theme was “Vision? Action?”. There were seven speakers sharing their visions in Roma ministry and three Roma pastors sharing on church planting, church program and theological education.
On September 18, 2021 brothers and sisters were gathered online to pray for Roma Ministry. Pastor Radko Kratsov shared the youth discipleship ministry in Bulgaria, and a short video on the overview of GGCCC Roma Ministry was showed. The next Roma Prayer Fellowship will be on January 29, 2022 2pm EST with Pastor Janne Harjukoski, a board member of the Roma Networks from Finland as the speaker.
This summer partner with pastors in Balkans, GGCCC STM team members prepared an online training program for Roma youths in Serbia, North Macedonia and Romania whereas the youths gathered in camp sites or churches. A total of 14 virtual training sessions were conducted reaching out to about 170 youths. Training topics included worship; fellowship; prayer; reading & studying the Bible; and the good news. The program has been well received. Pray that the youths will continue to practice what they learned in the camps and grow spiritually.
In addition to financially supporting pastors & missionaries in Roma ministry in Albania, Bulgaria, North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia, GGCCC has also involved in the following 2 new projects.
New Church in Central Romania
Coroi in Central Romania is a mixed village with population of ~1,000. More than 50 % are Roma. It is fairly close to where Pastor Nelu lives, Bahnea.
A villager from Coroi asked a Roma Christian from a nearby village to pray for his sick mother with throat cancer in May this year. This Christian in turn invited Pastor Nelu to come along to pray for the sick mother. Soon a home group was formed in Coroi. After visiting families for about a month, tent worship service was started in June. Being the first church in the village many villagers are curious and they open their hearts to Jesus. So far total of 11 villagers including the sick woman were baptized. About 40 people regularly attend the Saturday services.
In August a new Christian offered to donate a piece of land for church building. As an appreciation, Pastor Nelu paid him €1,000. The building project was started so that the building could be completed before the winter. To save money the building was built by team of volunteers from Pastor Nelu congregations. The church concrete foundation was poured on August 30. Then the walls were built, roof installed. Soon after the ceiling was installed, walls were plastered, electricity was brought in, floor installed, and one heating stove with chimney installed. The church inauguration service was held on October 16, 2021 with more than 80 attendees including Christians from nearby villages, less than 6 months after the initial contact with villager in Coroi. Hallelujah!
After School Program in Central Serbia
Krusevac population is about 120,000 with several Roma areas. Pastor Miki and his team have already planted two home churches there. There is a very poor area (Panjevac) with about 2,000 residences on the northwest outskirts of Krusevac. Children there generally are forced to beg or expelled from school. There is a great need to help children (age 7-13) to stay in school. In 2019 with support from Netherlands Pastor Miki organized an after school program for 30-40 children once a week. However, the program was stopped in 2020 due to lack of funding.
The Wednesday after school program was re-started on Oct 18, 2021 with financial support from GGCCC using a similar format. Bible lesson follows by 1.5-2 hours of school work and a meal. The program is held in a rented place located close to children’s homes. The rented place could also be used for other special programs such as Christmas celebration. This program will be reviewed in early 2022.
Please remember the Roma ministries in the Balkans in your prayers, especially for the Coroi church and the after school program in Krusevac so that they become a blessing to their community. Please also pray for God’s mercy to heal the sick mother in Coroi; and our financial needs.
本會將於今年9月18日與加拿大華福和其他宣教機構聯合舉辦「羅姆禱告團契」(Roma Prayer Fellowship) 聚會 . 詳情請參閱海報. 敬請預留時間, 並到網上 https://event.cccowe.ca/rpf2021 免費登記.
本會將於今年3月27日與加拿大華福和其他四個美加宣教機構聯合舉辦為期一天的網絡「環球羅姆人研討會」(Global Roma Symposium). 詳情請參閱海報. 敬請預留時間, 並到網上https://cccowe.ca/.roma2021免費登記.
- 東歐: 估計疫情將持續到秋季, 故與東歐羅姆人的基督教會合作的夏季青少年領袖培訓事工將會通過網絡進行. 同時, 與加拿大華福和東歐羅姆人的教會聯合舉辦神學教育課程培訓班預計今年九月開始. 並且繼續以金錢和禱告支持當地宣教伙伴.
- 印尼: 與加拿大K-PACT磋商及探討參與其印尼加里曼丹和附近島嶼的跨文化青少年和兒童福音事工.
- 蒙古: 參與加拿大華福在蒙古的神學教育教導事工.
- 北美: 籌備明年三月廿四日至廿六日在多倫多舉辦的「北美羅姆人事工大會」(North America Roma Ministries Conference). 詳情日後公佈.
加拿大普世大使命中心2021年的預算是加幣六萬元, 其中宣教事工佔五萬四千元. 懇請教會牧長和兄姐以金錢和禱告, 見證主名.
Together with CCCOWE Canada and four other North America mission organizations, we are currently organized a one-day Global Roma Symposium Webinar on Saturday, March 27, 2021. Please reserve your time to attend the free symposium. For detailed information, please refer to the poster and register online https://cccowe.ca/roma2021.
In addition, the following are our 2021 mission ministries:
- Eastern Europe: It is estimated that the coronavirus outbreak may continue until this fall, the youth leadership training program with Eastern European Roma Christian churches will be conducted online. At the same time, a training program on theological education is expected to begin in September this year in collaboration with the CCCOWE Canada and Roma churches in Eastern Europe. GGCCC will continue to support local Christian partners financially and with prayers.
- Indonesia: In consultations with K-PACT of Canada, explore the cross-cultural youth and child evangelical ministries in Kalimantan, Indonesia, and nearby islands.
- Mongolia: In cooperation with CCCOWE Canada, GGCCC will participation in the theological education ministry in Mongolia.
- North America: Plan and prepare for the North American Roma Ministries Conference in Toronto from March 24-26 next year. Details will be announced later.
GGCCC budget for 2021 is $60,000, of which $54,000 is for foreign mission ministries. Cordially invite churches’ pastors, leaders, brothers, and sisters to financially support the above ministries. Please also pray for the growth and development for our ministries.
自2020年1月開始, 新型冠狀病毒在七個多月內己逐漸擴散全球兩百一十三個國家. 受感染的人數日漸攀升. 許多教會遵循政府下令暫停一切聚會. 教會和福音機構的事工都受疾情影響, 不得不取消或延期己安排的事工計劃和活動. 疾情將會持續多久, 這是難以預測.
加拿大普世大使命中心(簡稱大使命中心)原定在今年七月下旬安排牧長和教會領袖的”羅姆人事工異象巡禮”和”羅姆人青少年事工短宣之旅”. 兩者都因疾情之故己全部取消. 暫時延到明年夏天舉行. 詳情日後另行通知各位.
今年初, 大使命中心與世界華福加拿大聯區, 協同華人福音普世差傳會(加拿大), 美國普世豐盛生命中心, 美國EFCA和Roma Networks, 計劃明年三月二十四至二十六日在多倫多舉辦”北美羅姆人事工研討會”. 主題是”健康的牧師與教會” (Healthy Pastor Healthy Church). 邀請塞爾維亞的Miki牧師, 羅馬尼亞的Nelu牧師和克羅地亞的Sasa弟兄為大會講員. 二十四日, 二十五日和二十六日一連三晚有公開性聚會, 由上述三位講員分別主講, 並介紹當前的羅姆人生活和福音事工. 二十四日和二十五日兩天由上午九時至下午四時半有專題研討. 請各位預留時間参加. 詳情將於九月下旬公佈.
面對疾情的廣泛感染, 讓我們選擇仰望創造主. 祈求平靜安穩. 並向世人廣傳耶穌基督的福音, 分享從神而來的平安和喜樂. 尤其是對羅姆人在生活上和信仰上的需要, 懇切為他們代禱和奉獻, 請支持羅姆人的福音事工.
2020 Roma Youth Training Camp
2019 Roma Ministry
2019 Roma Youth Training Camps
June 16 – 29, 2019 Pastoral Roma Vision Trip
- To explore how churches in Canada can assist Roma pastors or church leaders to spread the gospel; to build up servant leaders and to become healthy churches
- To experience Roma culture by visiting Roma villages and churches
- Visit Nehemia School built and supported by churches in Germany and Switzerland
- Visit YWAM Duress Office, site of Discipleship Training School
- Visit a Roma community in Elbasan served by a missionary couple and their family
- Attend Roma Conference in Ohrid (June 20 – 22)
- Service in Bitola Roma Church and prayer walk
- Visit Prilep Roma Church
- Sunday services in Skopje and Shutka
- Visit a Roma church at Nis
- Service at Jagodina Roma Church, visit their kindergarten and camp site
- Visit church in Zrenjanin and surrounding Roma villages and mission points
- Visit Roma churches and Roma villages around Targu Mares
Additional Information
- Budget is CAD$2,800 per person per double occupancy. Each member to buy his/her air ticket (~$1,500) and emergency medical insurance. Field expenses will be shared among all members (~$1,300 each).
- No visas are required for Canadian passport holders.
- Land transportation by private coach
- Maximum number of members: 16
- A short, excellent, documentary on the Roma people http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dG_aHqYg4dQ.
Host: Global Great Commission Center (Canada)
Co-organizer: Chinese Coordination Centre of World Evangelism – Canada
有關羅姆人的短片: We are Here – A Story of Jesus and the Unseen Roma (33:31 min long) https://youtu.be/dG_aHqYg4dQ
奉獻支票抬頭請寫: Global Great Commission Center (Canada) or GGCCC
Praying for the Roma
Rev. Grover Crosby
Almighty and Gracious God, we come to you in Jesus name on behalf of the Roma people (nation). You know the plight of these dear people as they try to survive in an unwelcoming, deprived and hostile environment. Thank you for the spread of the gospel among them, giving them hope and a positive identity. Thank you for the growing number of leaders, both within their communities and non-Roma partners, being raised up to bring them to faith in Jesus, and ground them in their faith. We pray for the Roma leaders. Guide them as they develop strategies to reach their people, and provide the resources needed to establish churches among them. We pray for the youth movements springing up presently. We pray for a new generation of Spirit filled believers to empower the churches. Raise up workers/volunteers who can help with education, health and the development of healthy communities. Thank you for hearing our prayer in Jesus name. Amen!
2018 羅姆人事工分享晚會
加拿大普世大使命定於本年十月二十一日在多倫多城北華人基督教會和十月二十八日在溫哥華基督教頌恩堂舉行兩次羅姆人事工分享晚會。届時由東歐資深羅姆傳道人Miki Kamberovic分享羅姆人面對的挑戰和屬靈生活上的迫切需要。當晚Pastor Miki也會分享羅姆人的音樂。
2018 October Roma Ministry Vision Sharing Nights
The Global Great Commission Center (Canada) is announcing two upcoming events: 2018 Roma Ministry Sharing Nights at Richmond Hill Christian Community Church in Toronto, on October 21, and at Pacific Grace MB Church in Vancouver, on October 28. Pastor Miki Kamberovic, an influential Roma leader from Serbia will be speaking in both events to share the challenge in their daily life and their spiritual needs. Pastor Miki will also share some Roma music.
We are grateful to have CCCOWE – Canada; CIM (Canada); COCM (Canada); NTCBC and RHCCC to co-organize this event.
2018 August Short Term Mission Trip
Short term mission team to Macedonia and Romania in August serving the Roma communities and churches
Prayer Requests:
- To be God’s clean & fitted vessel to witness Christ’s love in unity with the power of the Spirit
- God’s guidance upon the logistics of the trip and development of the programs (youth program and outreach meetings) to bear fruit for His kingdom
- Prepare the hearts of the youth who will be attending the camps that their encounters with Jesus will be life-changing experience for them
- God’s protection upon team members & their families with safety and health to do His will
- Edifying working relationship with local pastors and their support teams to bring praises to the Lord
- A blessed mission trip to the locals, prayer partners and team members to follow Jesus